Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Angels in Disguise

Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

In a sermon given by Father B at our parish, he relates that he had seen Angels. They are everywhere. But these are not the spiritual Angels mentioned in the Bible. Nor do they take on the shape as painted by the great maestros. No visible wings. No golden halo. Not even in flowing white garments.

These are earthly angels that are with us--  family members , dear friends, those who do services for us and even strangers.  And because their gesture of kindness, generosity and protection are sometimes taken for granted, these angels go unnoticed.

This made me sit up and reflect on my own experience with earthly angels.

One time, I was all sweaty having rushed over to attend mass in a chapel in a depressed area. I could feel perspiration running down my nape. Not having any handkerchief or a paper napkin, I could not wipe the sweat on my brow. I was miserable as I listened to the priest.

Lo and behold, someone tapped my elbow. When I turned, I saw a young boy—about 6 or 7 years old with a roll of toilet paper still intact in its plastic bag. He was offering it to me. At first I did not understand. Until I saw the boy’s mother gestured that it was to wipe my face. The mother must have seen my discomfort and had given orders to her boy to get some tissue on credit at the sari-sari store outside the chapel. From the way the mother dressed, I knew that money was tight. I thanked her profusely for her offer.

She was an angel— in disguise.

Another time, I was in a foreign country with two of my friends. We had enjoyed ourselves immensely taking in the sights and sound that we forgot about the time. When we decided to go back to our hotel, we realized that it had become quite late and the darkness somehow made it difficult for us to figure a safe route back to the hotel. We tried to hail the occasional taxis that passed us but none of them would agree to take us. One rather rumpled taxi driver stopped but only to give us directions on how to walk back to the hotel. We were a sorry sight. But all was not lost, the driver who had earlier given us directions, came back and told us to get into his cab. He would take us to our hotel. At first he was grouchy as he explained that he felt responsible for our safety. He then checked himself and soon became more pleasant as he pointed out interesting landmarks along the way. We arrived safely at our hotel.

He was an angel—in disguise.

And how could I forget that time after a great earthquake rocked Manila. The earthquake happened shortly after lunch. After the shaking stopped, a lot of office workers poured out of their office buildings. I was one of them. For some reason, I remembered that there were no public transportation plying the streets. I remembered walking with a group of strangers determined to find a way home. At that time, there were no celphones; nor did I have a phone at home to call and check on my children. Then out of the blue, after walking more than 5 kilometers, a jeepney stopped and the driver and his companion offered the group a ride closer to our destination.

They were angels—in disguise.

These are but a few stories about the earthly angels I have met.   

Yes, there are angels sent my way-- to guide and to protect me.

But more importantly, I ask myself how often have I missed the chance to be an angel myself.


Recently, I had dinner with three of my best friends. They have given me wise counsel on difficult situations; given me comfort when I was feeling low in spirit; and, stood by me when everything seem to be going against me.

They are angels in disguise as well. Their care and concern make them so easy to love.   Just as easy to love is this simple and light dessert I took to our dinner.

Fruits with Almond Jelly

3 cups Assorted fruits, chopped
(banana, apples, seeded grapes, orange slices, papaya)
plus 1 cup sweetened pineapple juice


1 large can fruit cocktail (do not drain)
1 package of Almond Jelly (prepare according to instructions, cool and slice into cubes

1 bottle each of kaong and nata de coco (drained of syrup) Optional

Mix all of these ingredients in a bowl. Chill before serving.

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