Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Time Just For Planting

There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens… Ecclesiastes 3

When rain falls almost everyday, what time do you suppose it is?

Time for planting!!

It was time to plant the seeds I got from my mother’s “Peacock Flower” shrubs  in Cebu last summer.  

Pretty Peacock Flowers in a vase

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Ultimate Retail Therapy

I was feeling out of sorts.  My body clock had gone haywire since I arrived from the States.  I was missing my State-side base siblings and friends.  I was having separation anxiety after being the companion of my mother for a month (or was she the one being my companion?!)

Then I get a text from a close friend and neighbor. 

“I’m thinking of going to Divi tomorrow since Monday is a holiday. Want to come along after mass?”, read her text.

“Yes, yes!”, was my immediate response.

Nothing like a trip to Divisoria, Manila to shake the jetlag blues away.