For ten years, I was the eldest of three girls. Being close in age, it was natural that we did everything together. Visits to the doctors, children’s parties, same school, even sharing the same room. It was also natural that we had our differences. Maybe we developed cabin fever from all that closeness. But we always managed to work things out (with the usual parental interventions: “ Say sorry and shake hands— or else”).
Then things changed. My mother (with the help of my dad) started bringing home the rest of my siblings— the 2nd set— at rapid succession. Being so much older, I was put in charge. Not of two but this time of six siblings. There were advantages to this position. Being that I like to play teacher, my student population saw an increase in number of pupils. But as my pupils grew older, it was difficult to order them to come to class.
Life at home had been lively with three girls but imagine how much livelier it became with two boys and two more girls. There were competitions on who got more of the chocolates; there were fights and threats of death (I’m going to kill you); there were arguments on who should use the phone first and for how long. The list is long.
Now that we are much older, we manage to laugh about the past. From time to time, we do argue and debate and hold fast to our opinions and beliefs. But this time, there is a respect born out of understanding and tolerance. It also helps that we continue to adhere to my parents’ rule when it comes to decision on any family issue: majority wins.
The clock ticks away.
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My siblings and I will always have different opinions on and ways of doing things—including how to cook salmon. But once tried, you will agree that the following recipes are all winners.
My Brother’s Baked Salmon in Olive Oil
3 lbs or 1.5 kilos of salmon (preferably with skin)
2- 4 sprigs of rosemary (about 2 T rosemary leaves)
1/2 c parsley, chopped (preferably the curly leaf type)
1/2 clove of garlic, crushed
1/2 t pepper corn, crushed
1/2 T salt
1 1/2 T soy sauce
1 c olive oil
1 large onion, chopped ( about 1 cup)
First, prepare the marinade.
In a bowl, mix 1 T of rosemary leaves, the chopped parsley, crushed garlic & pepper corn & salt with the soy sauce and olive oil.
Second, pour the marinade over the salmon and gently turn the salmon over in the marinate so the salmon is completely coated with the marinate. (Optional: Marinate for about 30mins to an hour in the fridge.)
Third, lay out the chopped onions in a baking dish-- depending on the cut of the salmon, a rectangular dish would do nicely. When done, gently, put down the salmon on top of the onions. Pour the marinate on the salmon and sprinkle the remaining 1 T of rosemary leaves.
Bake in a 400 pre-heated oven for 18 minutes or until salmon is done. You can test for doneness if the flesh comes out flaky when poked by a fork.
Serves 6 to 8 persons.
My Sister’s Salad with Baked Salmon
Baked Salmon
2 salmon steaks (250 grams)
2 sprigs of rosemary
2 cups halved cherry tomatoes
2 cloves garlic, minced
½ med-size onion, chopped
Olive oil, salt and pepper
Season the salmon with salt and pepper. Set aside.
Oil a baking pan and arrange the halved cherry tomatoes.
Scatter the garlic and onions and lay the two salmon steaks on top. Add the rosemary leaves over the fish. Drizzle more olive oil on the fish.
Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes or until the fish flakes easily with a fork. Collect the resulting sauce and add to the dressing. Break up the salmon into bite-size pieces.
Put equal parts of juice from one lemon, whole grain mustard (or prepared mustard) and resulting sauce from baked salmon (eg: ¼ c lemon, ¼ c mustard, ¼ c salmon sauce) in a bottle.
Put the lid on and shake.
The Salad
A bag of mixed Salad greens
A small bundle of asparagus, trimmed and steamed
2 hard boiled eggs, quartered (optional)
Place the mixed greens and asparagus in a large salad bowl. Top with the salmon and the rest of the contents of the baking pan (tomatoes, etc). Pour the dressing over the salad and toss.
Serves 3-4 persons.
My Very Own Pan-Fried Salmon with Roasted Veggies
1 salmon Fillet (500 grams)
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
Season the salmon with salt and pepper. Pan fry with olive oil until done. Keep warm in the oven.
Pan Roasted Veggies with Italian Vinegarette
¼ c Olive Oil
1/8 c Balsamic vinegar
Salt & Pepper
1 tsp each oregano, basil and whatever herbs you have in your cupboard
Shake well in a bottle and pour over pan roasted veggies.
Marinate the following sliced Veggies overnight or at least a hour before roasting.
2 large Tomatoes
2 cups Mushrooms, sliced
1 Eggplants or zucchini, sliced
1 Onion, cut into rings
You could roast in the oven, over coal or in a pan.
Plate your salmon and add the pan roasted veggies on the side.

Serves 2-3 persons.
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