“Happy Birthday!’, was my text message to a friend who had just turned the big five O.
“Ouch”, was his response—an indication that he didn’t relish being reminded.
A typical reaction from someone who has crossed over the half century mark, I thought. I should know. Although my aging anxieties are less these days, I still continue to go through a whole gamut of emotions when I see myself in the mirror— Ay caramba! Who is that person with lots of curly salt & pepper hair? Are those hoods over the eyes? Uggghhh! What happened!?!?!
There seems to be some disconnect at times as I feel like I am in my mid-twenties (please lower those eyebrows people)— okay, thirties. What is one to do— besides banish all mirrors from the house?!!??
Well, as usual, I wrote up a list on how I am dealing with the "face in the mirror". But, I did not quite complete it. I am still groping for the answers as I continue to wrestle with my internal conflicts. And I am hoping that some of you might want to add your own thoughts on the matter. I would like to call this interactive blogging.
• Stress the positive— Aging has its advantages. For one, there are the senior citizen discounts to look forward to; and, senior citizen priority lanes. Two, no more youthful angst—it’s a relief not to be able to relate to Ally McBeal. Three, _____________
• Accept — There is no way anyone can turn back the hands of time. With acceptance comes serenity and the setting down of heavy “baggage” carried for so long. With acceptance you can now ____________________
• Gratitude — Be grateful for the opportunity to continue viewing all the wonders of nature, of witnessing our childrens triumphs, of marveling at how our life is unfolding yet for another day. Least we forget, give thanks for _________________________
• Aspire- with all that experience tucked in ones life-belt, aspire to be bolder, dare to _____________________
We are born, We grow. We mature. We lived. Such is the sage of life.
What is a birthday without the ritual of blowing out ones candles on a cake? I take this action very seriously. Next time your birthday comes around, be sure you close your eyes, give thanks and make a wish that your life’s saga be filled with sun shiny days ahead.
Now here’s a recipe for a chocolate cake with caramel filling and a fudgy icing passed on to me by a very good friend and corporate colleague. If you do make it, you would wish it was your birthday everyday.

Maite’s Chocolate Monster Cake (as was given to me-- with some detailed explanation)
1/2 c Butter
Sift together:
1 1/4 c Flour
1 t Baking Powder
1 t Baking Soda
1/2 t Salt
1 1/2 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1/2 c Cocoa mixed w/ 1 c Water
Cream butter with sugar alternately with eggs.

Start & end with sugar.
Fold in flour, baking powder, soda, salt alternately with cocoa mixture. Start and end with flour mixture.
Flour first: (divide into 3)

Cocoa mixture next: (divide into 2)

Pour the batter equally into two 8-inch round pans whose bottoms have been lined with wax paper. Bake at 325* for 25-30 mins. or until toothpick comes out clean when poked in the middle of cake.

Once cakes have cooled down, remove from pan. Split the cakes in half length-wise. Set aside.
2 T Flour
1 can (1 1/2 c) Evap. Milk
1 Eggyolk
1/3 c Sugar
1 T Instant Coffee
2 T Butter
Mix first 5 ingredients and cook til of spreading consistency.

Then add butter and mix well. Divide the cream filling into three and spread on the cakes.

1/2 c Cocoa 1/2 c
1 can ( 1 1/2 c) Evap Milk 1 can
1 c Sugar
2 T Butter
Mix first 3 ingredients and cook til of spreading consistency. Add butter.

Mix well. Spread quickly on cake as it will become stiff when the fudge cools down.